The Alice McCosh Trust

About the trust

More about Alice

How to donate

Past fundraising

Applying for a grant

Past awards


The Trustees/ Contact Details


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About the Trust

The Alice McCosh Trust was set up in memory of Alice McCosh (née Alice Carswell), (1966 – 2001).

Throughout Alice’s life she was passionate about natural history and the environment. She lived and travelled across many parts of the world, and studied and worked in these fields.

We have established the Trust in order to perpetuate Alice's name and her lifetime's work.

The object of the Trust is to advance education by providing or assisting with grants for work or study related to natural history and/or the environment.

In this way we hope to provide other young people with the opportunity to do the sorts of things that Alice loved.


March 2024. Awards have been made for this year (2023-24) and the Trustees will be taking applications again in October 2024.

See Applying for a grant for further details.