The Alice McCosh Trust

About the trust

More about Alice

How to donate

Past fundraising

Applying for a grant

Past awards


The Trustees/ Contact Details


This site


To enable the Trust to award grants to individuals, we are collecting funds to be held by The Alice McCosh Trust. The interest from the Trust will be awarded to students and young people, which will enable them to pursue studies or practical work in the field, of the kind that Alice so enjoyed.

If you would like to help The Alice McCosh Trust donations can be made in any one of three ways:

  1. Online donations can be made simply and securely through the Charities Aid Foundation(CAF) website. Simply click on this link, and search for the Alice McCosh Trust
  2. Send donations to the Trust secretary
    Grace Carswell
    49 Cluny Street
    Sussex BN7 1LN
  3. Send donations direct to the Trust’s bank account. Please contact us for further details:
  4. Not in the UK? If you are not in the UK you can still donate to the Trust through the CAF website (see above). Anyone, anywhere in the world, can make donations online: payment will be taken in pounds sterling and the amount you donate will depend on the exchange rate at the time of the transaction.

    Are you a UK tax payer? If yes, the Trust can benefit considerably if you declare your donation as Gift Aid. This is very simple, and is at no extra cost to yourself. Under the Gift Aid system the Inland Revenue will give us an extra 28p for every pound you donate. If you are donating online via the CAF website you will be offered the option to tick the Gift Aid declaration. Otherwise simply print out this document, fill it in, and send it to the Trust Secretary.